Queen's Language Competition Vol. 2


Welcome to the Queen´s Language Competition Vol. 2 website. You will find here all the necessary information including the competition rules, the teams lists, ranking and most importantly the tasks for each month. If you have any questions, please ask your English teachers or contact the organisers.

QLC RULES (Vol. 2) Please read the rules carefully.


Month Recordings Tasks Deadline 

Round Results

October 2017

Download recording 1



Ending of the tale

30th October 1st round results
November 2017 Download recording 2 Task 30th November

2nd round results

December 2017 Download recording 3 


Task key

31st December 3rd round results
January 2018 Download recording 4


 31st January 4th round results
February 2018 Download recording 5


Task Key

 5th March  5th round results
March 2018

 Download recording 6


 5th April  6th round results
Final round

 Important instructions


   16th April  Final round results


We would like to thank all  the competitors for taking part in the Queen´s language competition 2018, and the final round which took place in Nove Město na Moravě on 16th April. You all did a great job! It was really a pleasure working with you and hope you had good time with us.

Congratulations to the winning team Nove Mesto n. Morave C, followed by Team A from Bochnia (2nd place), Team B Nove Mesto n.M. (3rd place) and finally Team B from Bochnia (4th place). Although the final standings were announced and awards given, we believe that all of you are winners after all !!

Enjoy English- anytime and  anywhere:))

On behalf of organisers from Gymnazium Nove Mesto n. Morave,

Monika Marshallová

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Gymnázium Vincence Makovského
Nové Město na Moravě
Leandra Čecha 152
592 31 Nové Město na Moravě

Telefon: 566 617 243
E-mail: gynome@gynome.cz
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